Corner Store Customers
T & N Wine & Liquor Corp.
T & N Wine & Liquor is busy liquor store in Brooklyn. They've been using CornerStore POS since November 2011.
T&N has 2 systems since they have high customer volume and Corner Store rings them up with ease. Corner Store is fast but it helps to have top flight hardware too. That is why T & N uses a Honeywell MS3780 Fusion barcode scanner which is omnidirectional. This means the cashiers don’t have to line up the barcode with just one laser
- Dell Inspiron Computer
- EPSON Readyprint T20
- Bematech (Logic Controls) Titan Jr. Cash drawer
- Bematech (Logic Controls) LE1000 15" touch screen
- Bematech (Logic Controls) LD1000 pole display
- Honeywell Fusion MS3780 scanner
The Little House of Art
The Little House of Art has been using Corner Store POS since June 2010 and uses it to ring up sales, process credit cards and to track inventory as well as keep track of recurring customers.
The Little House of Art is an art studio designed for children ages 18 months and up. The studio contributes to the growth of children through visual artistry. At the Little House of Art children learn to work with an array of art materials and create unique projects while building self-awareness and confidence through the creative process. Our mission is to provide excellent service in a kid-friendly atmosphere for our customers. We strive to maintain a creative, educational, and safe environment.
- Dell Optiplex Computer
- Star TSP100 Thermal Printer
- Bematech (Logic Controls) Titan Jr. Cash drawer
- Bematech (Logic Controls) LE1000 15" touch screen
- Magtek Sureswipe
- Verifone Pinpad 1000