
Here you will find detail information about Corner Store POS and its products.

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Thank you for your interest in Corner Store POS. Start downloading test version by clicking below.

Download CornerStorePOS for Windows

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Getting Started Guide for Corner Store POS

Corner Store also supports additional software called Inventory Express for mobile inventory tracking, fast database updating in Corner Store and generating labels.

Follow the link for sample database we provide.

Note: For Windows 7/VISTA, after download is completed right click on Corner Store icon on desktop and select Properties. In properties window, click on Compatibility option, select Run this program as administrator and click on Apply. Click on Change setting for all user, select Run this program as administrator and click OK. To login into Corner Store POS default User ID and Password is admin and admin123

If you have any problem at all with the installation of Corner Store POS, email or call us at 866-468-5767.


Certified List of Supported Hardware

Note: The Minimum System Requirements are:

The Recommended System Requirements are:


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